Meet our 2024 Race Ambassador Team!
We’re thrilled to introduce our 16 Race Ambassadors as the newest additions to the Detroit Free Press Marathon family! With diverse ages, paces, and backgrounds, they unite with a shared commitment to supporting and uplifting our runners and walkers. Connect with them on social media for a wealth of race insights, invaluable tips, exciting giveaways, exclusive discounts, and so much more. Get ready to embark on this incredible journey together!
2024 Ambassador Captain
Name: Danielle Leone
From: Royal Oak, MI
2024 Freep Event: Wonder International Challenge
Instagram: @danielleleone
Bio: Danielle Leone is a dedicated and athletic individual with a passion for pushing physical boundaries. Having completed two full marathons and conquering numerous half marathons she believes the Detroit Free Press Marathon is one of the best race weekends. Immersed in the vibrant spirit of Detroit, she finds inspiration in the city’s enthusiasm and the breathtaking sunrise views crossing The Ambassador Bridge. Athleticism has been a constant in her life, shaping her character and instilling a passion for pushing physical limits. Her commitment to fitness, from early years to present, showcases a resilient spirit and an unwavering dedication to a healthy, dynamic life. Her journey through these races reflects not only a commitment to personal fitness goals but also a celebration of the indomitable spirit of Detroit and the beautiful experiences that come with each stride.
2024 Ambassador Captain
Name: Megan Garden
From: Shelby Township, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Wonder International Challenge
Instagram: @megan_garden13
Bio: Megan started her running journey in 2021 when she signed up for the Freep half marathon with her sister. Thinking it would be a one and done with the half, instead it opened the doorway to a whole new world for her. Running not only helped her become more physically healthy and lose a significant amount of weight but helped her grow mentally and pushed her to limits she never knew were possible. Megan has participated in halfs, fulls, 50k’s, tri’s and is currently training for her first 50 mile race. Megan was an ambassador for Freep in 2023 and had such an amazing experience and is excited for the 2024 year to meet new people. The Freep will always be a part of her life.
Name: Dani Filipek
From: Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Temptation Challenge
Instagram: @rundanirun9
Bio: Dani is a mother, runner, wife, coach, advocate, race day announcer, and Co-Owner of Yooper Running Company. Throughout her career in running, she was a DII All-American Athlete for Northwood University on the track. She went on to run professionally for Hansons-Brooks ODP based out of Rochester Hills, MI and ran the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials. Then moving to trail ultra-marathons after and was the 2017 50 Mile Trail U.S Champion and went to Worlds in 2018 where the team took a bronze medal at the event. During this time she coached at local Universities such as Clearly University, Lansing Community College, and Lake Superior State University. Taking a step back from coaching, she then became an advocate for survivors of Domestic and Sexual Assault and ran 340 miles in 8 days and raised over $6,000 for survivors and their needs to escape Intimate Partner Violence and other situations. Working as both a NCAA Coach, a beginner to advanced ultra-marathon and multi-distance Coach for runners around the world, and working in trauma work, has made Dani a very unique individual to help people balance life and running goals. Currently, she lives with her family in the U.P of Michigan pushing her two kids in a double stroller in many feet of snow. If you have run Detroit Turkey Trot, you have likely seen her in the announcing booth over the years! Her goals are to help mother runners gain accessibility to nursing/pumping options pre-race! Feel free to reach out with questions on how she can help race day!
Name: Corey Belemore
From: Windsor, Ontario
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @coreybellemore
Bio: I live and breathe the endurance space. I found my love and passion for running early on, and have been doing it from a very young age. Growing up, the enjoyment and interest came natural to me. It was sparked from running races in my backyard with our family dog + twin brother and also from biking alongside my parents while they were out running themselves. This developed an eventual ambition to work hard and strive to compete at a high level, eventually leading to running a sub 4-minute mile. With unwavering support from my family, coaches, mentors, and friends, I continue to actively compete and have no plans to slow down anytime soon.
Name: Jen Stewart
From: Clinton Township, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @sweets.710
Bio: A Detroit native turned Clinton Township resident, I discovered my love for running during the Corktown 5K in 2012. Since then, I’ve embraced the sport, completing numerous Detroit half marathons and conquering my first full marathon last year. Beyond personal achievements, I share my passion by helping my husband coach cross country and track. Running isn’t just a hobby; it’s a journey that started in the heart of Detroit and continues to inspire me in every stride. As a proud ambassador, I’m excited to share my passion and inspire others to discover the transformative power of running.
Name: Courtney Chase
From: Auburn Hills, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Marathon
Instagram: @court_chase1
Bio: I have been running distance for about 6 years. After having my 4th knee surgery I found a love for running distance and engaging in the race atmosphere. The last 2 years I was not as committed to it, but I picked running back up again in the summer of 2023 and had only focus: to complete a full marathon. I started getting faster and stronger and have never been more proud of my performance. However, I just underwent my 5 th knee surgery in January 2024, I am determined to come back…again. Not only just to come back, but to be even stronger and finally cross the line at 26.2 miles. And I am more than happy to say that Freep will have the honor of being my first. Running has become such a huge part of my life and I love being able to share my journey with everyone out there who might not think they can do it. To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. Cheers to the 2024 race season and giving my absolute best.
Name: Alek Budziosz
From: Windsor, Ontario
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @running_fatguy
Bio: Leading the pack, weekly PR’s and ever increasing distance goals are NOT what Alek is about. A proverbial diesel super duty truck in the world of Mustang GT500s, he understands that sometimes, it’s a PR just to get off the couch. Alek took up cycling in 2022 to increase his quality of life, be around longer for his two boys, and shed a few pounds off his then 315 lb frame. When it got cold, he switched to running as it was a bit more cold weather friendly. That’s when he discovered running groups and the positive and welcoming runner community. This community kept Alek running throughout 2023: multiple 5K races, a couple of 10Ks and his first half marathon (the 2023 Detroit Free Press International Half Marathon). The half marathon held special significance for Alek – his sister Kamilla ran it in 2019. Kamilla lost her fight with cancer in 2022 and Alek registered to run 13.1 in her memory. In preparation for the Freep, ambassador lead training runs were a major part of Alek’s training. For 2024, as a grateful member of the running community, Alek would like to extend his love of running and be an ambassador of those slow AF runners. No matter what your pace or ability, Alek is happy to be your 2024 Detroit Free Press Marathon Ambassador.
Name: Jessica Reynolds
From: Belleville, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @jessica_reynolds_25
Bio: In 2011 Jessica joined the middle school track team because she wanted to hang out with her friends. Her love for running was born then and supported her throughout her teen years and now through adulthood. After running competitively in college, Jessica wanted a new goal. She decided to conquer the half marathon and marathon distances. She is currently beginning work to run a sub 3:00 marathon. Jessica is a Michiganer at heart. When she’s not training for a road race, she can be found camping, and running and hiking trails throughout the state. The Detroit Free Press Marathon is a race Jessica holds close to her heart and she’s excited to return for her 4th year in a row.
Bio: Katie used to hate running, but it soon became her favorite part of everyday life. Only taking running seriously for under 2 years, she has since completed her first half marathon, marathon, and numerous 5 and 10k’s. She hopes to keep running for many years to come and eventually wants to try out ultra running. The Detroit Free Press was her first marathon in 2023 and she’s been riding the runner’s high ever since! Her favorite pastime is to tell people how obsessed with running she is.
Name: Shannon Karam
From: Macomb, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @runnermom264
Bio: My name is Shannon. I am a wife, mother, avid runner, kindergarten teacher, and vegetarian. My relationship with running spans 37 years! Running has always been an important part of my identity. I have completed 10 Detroit Free Press Half Marathons & 9 Bobbi Crims, as well as countless 10k & 5Ks. When I reflect on all the races I have competed in, The Detroit Free Press will always have a special place in my heart. This race holds cherished memories of my own children coming to cheer me on when they were babies in strollers. Both of my children would go on to run at the collegiate level. I currently train with my 27 year old and we run the DFP together! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be an Ambassador and promote the sport that has been instrumental in changing the trajectory of my life.
Name: Kosta Margaritis
From: Windsor, Ontario
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @kostamarga
Bio: Kosta loves running for the community and new friendships. He believes there is no better way to get to know someone than going for a run. This is evident as he joins multiple groups for weekly runs in the Windsor / Detroit area. He serves as a team member of the Dub City Runners, a local social running group in Windsor, which runs every Friday night at Walkerville Brewery. Kosta ran his first half marathon last spring in Toronto, then ran the Detroit Free Press international half marathon five months later. His gratifying experience last year led him to his decision to run his first marathon right here in Detroit as a freep ambassador.
Name: Martina Alcock
From: Rochester Hills, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Supreme Challenge
Instagram: @austriangirl100
Bio: Martina- an Austrian native who has called Michigan home since 2002 – has been running for a variety of reasons since childhood. Running is what brings her joy and keeps her grounded. It is equally stress relief and fuel for her slightly competitive nature while being at her preferred place- outside! 2023 was a transformative year, widowed and an empty nester, she ramped up the training, connected with the FreePress running groups and had her most successful year of running to date. The Detroit Free Press is her favorite Fall race and after 6 International Halfs, 1 Domestic Half and 1 Relay, she is attempting her very FIRST full Marathon and is participating in the Supreme Challenge.She is super stoked to serve as an Ambassador. Mantra:” If your dreams do not scare you- they are not big enough.”
Name: David Roose
From: Canton, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Wonder International Challenge
Instagram: @djroose16
Bio: My name is David Roose. I am 39 (40 by race day – yikes) from Canton, MI. I’m married with two kids (12 & 14) of our own and 3 by way of hosting exchange students and billets. I started running in 2012 when a group of us at work had the “genius” idea to enter the Detroit Marathon as a relay team. Growing up, I played soccer, but I was never much for the running part, so this seemed like a crazy idea at the time and I’m sure involved some sort of lunch bet. That relay prep and the race in October turned out to be the catalyst for turning my health around. Since 2012 I have completed one full marathon (2018), 8 half marathons (including 4 Detroit) and countless 5k/10k races. Running has become a significant part of my life, a passion really. Along this journey I have completely turned my health around, losing over 70 pounds and
maintaining it. Running has also helped me focus on my mental health and wellbeing. That half hour each morning gives me a great opportunity to start the day fresh, think about what’s going on in life and sort of destress so I can be a positive and more focused person, leader and father. The Detroit Marathon has always been a special event as it inspired me to become a runner and the person I am today. My best advice for aspiring or new half/full marathoners….Enjoy the journey! I look forward to seeing you all in October!
Name: Debbie Rochester
From: Gaylord, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @ruby__rochester
Bio: I started running in January 2012 after agreeing to run the Chicago marathon that year as a “one and done race”. Now 12 years later I continue to run as well as do triathlons and long-distance swim events. You could say I am hooked as I am 17 states into my goal of running a half marathon or marathon in all 50 states. I live in Gaylord, MI but consider the Freep my ‘hometown race” after living in metro Detroit for several years and will be excited to do The Wonder Challenge in 2024. My favorite part of the race is always running across the bridge and thru Windsor as I am originally from Canada.
Name: Erica Hicks
From: Harper Woods, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Marathon
Instagram: @distracteddetroitrunner
Bio: Here’s a little about me. I am from Kalamazoo in SW Michigan. I moved to Metro Detroit in 2018. I joined the 50’s club last November. In July, I will celebrate 20 years of marriage. We have two beautiful teenagers ages 17 and 15. We have a black standard poodle named Duke who loves to run. One fun fact about me, I have been run streaking since November 27, 2019. When this is published it will be RSD 1,517 and counting 😂 I am currently one of two Ambassadors for Black Girls Run! Detroit. My running resume consists of nine full marathons (Freep 4x’s), many half marathons, 5k/10k’s and 4 Ragnar Relays. I have served as a half marathon pacer several times in the past for different races. I absolutely love to smile, have fun and take pictures while I run. I am very reliable and encouraging to others. I like to meet runners where they are on their journey. I am very excited to join the 2024 Ambassador Team for the Detroit Free Press Marathon.
Name: Jeff Kendall
From: Southfield, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @kendall.jeff
Bio: Jeff has run 24 marathons, including 3 Bostons and all 6 Abbott World Majors. Jeff’s first full marathon was Freep in 2015 and he has run one of the Freep races every year since then. After coming within 7 minutes of a Boston Qualifier at Freep, Jeff tried again at Disney in January 2016, and made his first BQ at Mountains to Beach that May. Jeff is a member of the Hansons Community Running Team, National Black Marathoners, Marathon Maniacs, Half Fanatics, Black Men Run Detroit, RFB Royal Oak, Infinite Multisports Triathlon Club, and Century Club. Jeff works part time as a hospital chaplain. In 2024, Jeff plans to run Boston for the 4th time, Chicago Marathon, Freep International Half and Valencia marathon. Jeff has written 7 books on running, the “Jeff Runs the World Majors” series. Jeff’s favorite running photo is a selfie he took at the international border in the tunnel during the Freep International half.
Meet our 2024 Race Ambassador Team!
We’re thrilled to introduce our 16 Race Ambassadors as the newest additions to the Detroit Free Press Marathon family! With diverse ages, paces, and backgrounds, they unite with a shared commitment to supporting and uplifting our runners and walkers. Connect with them on social media for a wealth of race insights, invaluable tips, exciting giveaways, exclusive discounts, and so much more. Get ready to embark on this incredible journey together!
2024 Ambassador Captain
Name: Danielle Leone
From: Royal Oak, MI
2024 Freep Event: Wonder International Challenge
Instagram: @danielleleone
Bio: Danielle Leone is a dedicated and athletic individual with a passion for pushing physical boundaries. Having completed two full marathons and conquering numerous half marathons she believes the Detroit Free Press Marathon is one of the best race weekends. Immersed in the vibrant spirit of Detroit, she finds inspiration in the city’s enthusiasm and the breathtaking sunrise views crossing The Ambassador Bridge. Athleticism has been a constant in her life, shaping her character and instilling a passion for pushing physical limits. Her commitment to fitness, from early years to present, showcases a resilient spirit and an unwavering dedication to a healthy, dynamic life. Her journey through these races reflects not only a commitment to personal fitness goals but also a celebration of the indomitable spirit of Detroit and the beautiful experiences that come with each stride.
2024 Ambassador Captain
Name: Megan Garden
From: Shelby Township, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Wonder International Challenge
Instagram: @megan_garden13
Bio: Megan started her running journey in 2021 when she signed up for the Freep half marathon with her sister. Thinking it would be a one and done with the half, instead it opened the doorway to a whole new world for her. Running not only helped her become more physically healthy and lose a significant amount of weight but helped her grow mentally and pushed her to limits she never knew were possible. Megan has participated in halfs, fulls, 50k’s, tri’s and is currently training for her first 50 mile race. Megan was an ambassador for Freep in 2023 and had such an amazing experience and is excited for the 2024 year to meet new people. The Freep will always be a part of her life.
Name: Dani Filipek
From: Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Temptation Challenge
Instagram: @rundanirun9
Bio: Dani is a mother, runner, wife, coach, advocate, race day announcer, and Co-Owner of Yooper Running Company. Throughout her career in running, she was a DII All-American Athlete for Northwood University on the track. She went on to run professionally for Hansons-Brooks ODP based out of Rochester Hills, MI and ran the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials. Then moving to trail ultra-marathons after and was the 2017 50 Mile Trail U.S Champion and went to Worlds in 2018 where the team took a bronze medal at the event. During this time she coached at local Universities such as Clearly University, Lansing Community College, and Lake Superior State University. Taking a step back from coaching, she then became an advocate for survivors of Domestic and Sexual Assault and ran 340 miles in 8 days and raised over $6,000 for survivors and their needs to escape Intimate Partner Violence and other situations. Working as both a NCAA Coach, a beginner to advanced ultra-marathon and multi-distance Coach for runners around the world, and working in trauma work, has made Dani a very unique individual to help people balance life and running goals. Currently, she lives with her family in the U.P of Michigan pushing her two kids in a double stroller in many feet of snow. If you have run Detroit Turkey Trot, you have likely seen her in the announcing booth over the years! Her goals are to help mother runners gain accessibility to nursing/pumping options pre-race! Feel free to reach out with questions on how she can help race day!
Name: Corey Belemore
From: Windsor, Ontario
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @coreybellemore
Bio: I live and breathe the endurance space. I found my love and passion for running early on, and have been doing it from a very young age. Growing up, the enjoyment and interest came natural to me. It was sparked from running races in my backyard with our family dog + twin brother and also from biking alongside my parents while they were out running themselves. This developed an eventual ambition to work hard and strive to compete at a high level, eventually leading to running a sub 4-minute mile. With unwavering support from my family, coaches, mentors, and friends, I continue to actively compete and have no plans to slow down anytime soon.
Name: Jen Stewart
From: Clinton Township, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @sweets.710
Bio: A Detroit native turned Clinton Township resident, I discovered my love for running during the Corktown 5K in 2012. Since then, I’ve embraced the sport, completing numerous Detroit half marathons and conquering my first full marathon last year. Beyond personal achievements, I share my passion by helping my husband coach cross country and track. Running isn’t just a hobby; it’s a journey that started in the heart of Detroit and continues to inspire me in every stride. As a proud ambassador, I’m excited to share my passion and inspire others to discover the transformative power of running.
Name: Courtney Chase
From: Auburn Hills, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Marathon
Instagram: @court_chase1
Bio: I have been running distance for about 6 years. After having my 4th knee surgery I found a love for running distance and engaging in the race atmosphere. The last 2 years I was not as committed to it, but I picked running back up again in the summer of 2023 and had only focus: to complete a full marathon. I started getting faster and stronger and have never been more proud of my performance. However, I just underwent my 5 th knee surgery in January 2024, I am determined to come back…again. Not only just to come back, but to be even stronger and finally cross the line at 26.2 miles. And I am more than happy to say that Freep will have the honor of being my first. Running has become such a huge part of my life and I love being able to share my journey with everyone out there who might not think they can do it. To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. Cheers to the 2024 race season and giving my absolute best.
Name: Alek Budziosz
From: Windsor, Ontario
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @running_fatguy
Bio: Leading the pack, weekly PR’s and ever increasing distance goals are NOT what Alek is about. A proverbial diesel super duty truck in the world of Mustang GT500s, he understands that sometimes, it’s a PR just to get off the couch. Alek took up cycling in 2022 to increase his quality of life, be around longer for his two boys, and shed a few pounds off his then 315 lb frame. When it got cold, he switched to running as it was a bit more cold weather friendly. That’s when he discovered running groups and the positive and welcoming runner community. This community kept Alek running throughout 2023: multiple 5K races, a couple of 10Ks and his first half marathon (the 2023 Detroit Free Press International Half Marathon). The half marathon held special significance for Alek – his sister Kamilla ran it in 2019. Kamilla lost her fight with cancer in 2022 and Alek registered to run 13.1 in her memory. In preparation for the Freep, ambassador lead training runs were a major part of Alek’s training. For 2024, as a grateful member of the running community, Alek would like to extend his love of running and be an ambassador of those slow AF runners. No matter what your pace or ability, Alek is happy to be your 2024 Detroit Free Press Marathon Ambassador.
Name: Jessica Reynolds
From: Belleville, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @jessica_reynolds_25
Bio: In 2011 Jessica joined the middle school track team because she wanted to hang out with her friends. Her love for running was born then and supported her throughout her teen years and now through adulthood. After running competitively in college, Jessica wanted a new goal. She decided to conquer the half marathon and marathon distances. She is currently beginning work to run a sub 3:00 marathon. Jessica is a Michiganer at heart. When she’s not training for a road race, she can be found camping, and running and hiking trails throughout the state. The Detroit Free Press Marathon is a race Jessica holds close to her heart and she’s excited to return for her 4th year in a row.
Bio: Katie used to hate running, but it soon became her favorite part of everyday life. Only taking running seriously for under 2 years, she has since completed her first half marathon, marathon, and numerous 5 and 10k’s. She hopes to keep running for many years to come and eventually wants to try out ultra running. The Detroit Free Press was her first marathon in 2023 and she’s been riding the runner’s high ever since! Her favorite pastime is to tell people how obsessed with running she is.
Name: Shannon Karam
From: Macomb, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @runnermom264
Bio: My name is Shannon. I am a wife, mother, avid runner, kindergarten teacher, and vegetarian. My relationship with running spans 37 years! Running has always been an important part of my identity. I have completed 10 Detroit Free Press Half Marathons & 9 Bobbi Crims, as well as countless 10k & 5Ks. When I reflect on all the races I have competed in, The Detroit Free Press will always have a special place in my heart. This race holds cherished memories of my own children coming to cheer me on when they were babies in strollers. Both of my children would go on to run at the collegiate level. I currently train with my 27 year old and we run the DFP together! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be an Ambassador and promote the sport that has been instrumental in changing the trajectory of my life.
Name: Kosta Margaritis
From: Windsor, Ontario
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @kostamarga
Bio: Kosta loves running for the community and new friendships. He believes there is no better way to get to know someone than going for a run. This is evident as he joins multiple groups for weekly runs in the Windsor / Detroit area. He serves as a team member of the Dub City Runners, a local social running group in Windsor, which runs every Friday night at Walkerville Brewery. Kosta ran his first half marathon last spring in Toronto, then ran the Detroit Free Press international half marathon five months later. His gratifying experience last year led him to his decision to run his first marathon right here in Detroit as a freep ambassador.
Name: Martina Alcock
From: Rochester Hills, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Supreme Challenge
Instagram: @austriangirl100
Bio: Martina- an Austrian native who has called Michigan home since 2002 – has been running for a variety of reasons since childhood. Running is what brings her joy and keeps her grounded. It is equally stress relief and fuel for her slightly competitive nature while being at her preferred place- outside! 2023 was a transformative year, widowed and an empty nester, she ramped up the training, connected with the FreePress running groups and had her most successful year of running to date. The Detroit Free Press is her favorite Fall race and after 6 International Halfs, 1 Domestic Half and 1 Relay, she is attempting her very FIRST full Marathon and is participating in the Supreme Challenge.She is super stoked to serve as an Ambassador. Mantra:” If your dreams do not scare you- they are not big enough.”
Name: David Roose
From: Canton, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Wonder International Challenge
Instagram: @djroose16
Bio: My name is David Roose. I am 39 (40 by race day – yikes) from Canton, MI. I’m married with two kids (12 & 14) of our own and 3 by way of hosting exchange students and billets. I started running in 2012 when a group of us at work had the “genius” idea to enter the Detroit Marathon as a relay team. Growing up, I played soccer, but I was never much for the running part, so this seemed like a crazy idea at the time and I’m sure involved some sort of lunch bet. That relay prep and the race in October turned out to be the catalyst for turning my health around. Since 2012 I have completed one full marathon (2018), 8 half marathons (including 4 Detroit) and countless 5k/10k races. Running has become a significant part of my life, a passion really. Along this journey I have completely turned my health around, losing over 70 pounds and
maintaining it. Running has also helped me focus on my mental health and wellbeing. That half hour each morning gives me a great opportunity to start the day fresh, think about what’s going on in life and sort of destress so I can be a positive and more focused person, leader and father. The Detroit Marathon has always been a special event as it inspired me to become a runner and the person I am today. My best advice for aspiring or new half/full marathoners….Enjoy the journey! I look forward to seeing you all in October!
Name: Debbie Rochester
From: Gaylord, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @ruby__rochester
Bio: I started running in January 2012 after agreeing to run the Chicago marathon that year as a “one and done race”. Now 12 years later I continue to run as well as do triathlons and long-distance swim events. You could say I am hooked as I am 17 states into my goal of running a half marathon or marathon in all 50 states. I live in Gaylord, MI but consider the Freep my ‘hometown race” after living in metro Detroit for several years and will be excited to do The Wonder Challenge in 2024. My favorite part of the race is always running across the bridge and thru Windsor as I am originally from Canada.
Name: Erica Hicks
From: Harper Woods, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Marathon
Instagram: @distracteddetroitrunner
Bio: Here’s a little about me. I am from Kalamazoo in SW Michigan. I moved to Metro Detroit in 2018. I joined the 50’s club last November. In July, I will celebrate 20 years of marriage. We have two beautiful teenagers ages 17 and 15. We have a black standard poodle named Duke who loves to run. One fun fact about me, I have been run streaking since November 27, 2019. When this is published it will be RSD 1,517 and counting 😂 I am currently one of two Ambassadors for Black Girls Run! Detroit. My running resume consists of nine full marathons (Freep 4x’s), many half marathons, 5k/10k’s and 4 Ragnar Relays. I have served as a half marathon pacer several times in the past for different races. I absolutely love to smile, have fun and take pictures while I run. I am very reliable and encouraging to others. I like to meet runners where they are on their journey. I am very excited to join the 2024 Ambassador Team for the Detroit Free Press Marathon.
Name: Jeff Kendall
From: Southfield, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @kendall.jeff
Bio: Jeff has run 24 marathons, including 3 Bostons and all 6 Abbott World Majors. Jeff’s first full marathon was Freep in 2015 and he has run one of the Freep races every year since then. After coming within 7 minutes of a Boston Qualifier at Freep, Jeff tried again at Disney in January 2016, and made his first BQ at Mountains to Beach that May. Jeff is a member of the Hansons Community Running Team, National Black Marathoners, Marathon Maniacs, Half Fanatics, Black Men Run Detroit, RFB Royal Oak, Infinite Multisports Triathlon Club, and Century Club. Jeff works part time as a hospital chaplain. In 2024, Jeff plans to run Boston for the 4th time, Chicago Marathon, Freep International Half and Valencia marathon. Jeff has written 7 books on running, the “Jeff Runs the World Majors” series. Jeff’s favorite running photo is a selfie he took at the international border in the tunnel during the Freep International half.
Meet our 2024 Race Ambassador Team!
We’re thrilled to introduce our 16 Race Ambassadors as the newest additions to the Detroit Free Press Marathon family! With diverse ages, paces, and backgrounds, they unite with a shared commitment to supporting and uplifting our runners and walkers. Connect with them on social media for a wealth of race insights, invaluable tips, exciting giveaways, exclusive discounts, and so much more. Get ready to embark on this incredible journey together!
2024 Ambassador Captain
Name: Danielle Leone
From: Royal Oak, MI
2024 Freep Event: Wonder International Challenge
Instagram: @danielleleone
Bio: Danielle Leone is a dedicated and athletic individual with a passion for pushing physical boundaries. Having completed two full marathons and conquering numerous half marathons she believes the Detroit Free Press Marathon is one of the best race weekends. Immersed in the vibrant spirit of Detroit, she finds inspiration in the city’s enthusiasm and the breathtaking sunrise views crossing The Ambassador Bridge. Athleticism has been a constant in her life, shaping her character and instilling a passion for pushing physical limits. Her commitment to fitness, from early years to present, showcases a resilient spirit and an unwavering dedication to a healthy, dynamic life. Her journey through these races reflects not only a commitment to personal fitness goals but also a celebration of the indomitable spirit of Detroit and the beautiful experiences that come with each stride.
2024 Ambassador Captain
Name: Megan Garden
From: Shelby Township, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Wonder International Challenge
Instagram: @megan_garden13
Bio: Megan started her running journey in 2021 when she signed up for the Freep half marathon with her sister. Thinking it would be a one and done with the half, instead it opened the doorway to a whole new world for her. Running not only helped her become more physically healthy and lose a significant amount of weight but helped her grow mentally and pushed her to limits she never knew were possible. Megan has participated in halfs, fulls, 50k’s, tri’s and is currently training for her first 50 mile race. Megan was an ambassador for Freep in 2023 and had such an amazing experience and is excited for the 2024 year to meet new people. The Freep will always be a part of her life.
Name: Dani Filipek
From: Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Temptation Challenge
Instagram: @rundanirun9
Bio: Dani is a mother, runner, wife, coach, advocate, race day announcer, and Co-Owner of Yooper Running Company. Throughout her career in running, she was a DII All-American Athlete for Northwood University on the track. She went on to run professionally for Hansons-Brooks ODP based out of Rochester Hills, MI and ran the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials. Then moving to trail ultra-marathons after and was the 2017 50 Mile Trail U.S Champion and went to Worlds in 2018 where the team took a bronze medal at the event. During this time she coached at local Universities such as Clearly University, Lansing Community College, and Lake Superior State University. Taking a step back from coaching, she then became an advocate for survivors of Domestic and Sexual Assault and ran 340 miles in 8 days and raised over $6,000 for survivors and their needs to escape Intimate Partner Violence and other situations. Working as both a NCAA Coach, a beginner to advanced ultra-marathon and multi-distance Coach for runners around the world, and working in trauma work, has made Dani a very unique individual to help people balance life and running goals. Currently, she lives with her family in the U.P of Michigan pushing her two kids in a double stroller in many feet of snow. If you have run Detroit Turkey Trot, you have likely seen her in the announcing booth over the years! Her goals are to help mother runners gain accessibility to nursing/pumping options pre-race! Feel free to reach out with questions on how she can help race day!
Name: Corey Belemore
From: Windsor, Ontario
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @coreybellemore
Bio: I live and breathe the endurance space. I found my love and passion for running early on, and have been doing it from a very young age. Growing up, the enjoyment and interest came natural to me. It was sparked from running races in my backyard with our family dog + twin brother and also from biking alongside my parents while they were out running themselves. This developed an eventual ambition to work hard and strive to compete at a high level, eventually leading to running a sub 4-minute mile. With unwavering support from my family, coaches, mentors, and friends, I continue to actively compete and have no plans to slow down anytime soon.
Name: Jen Stewart
From: Clinton Township, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @sweets.710
Bio: A Detroit native turned Clinton Township resident, I discovered my love for running during the Corktown 5K in 2012. Since then, I’ve embraced the sport, completing numerous Detroit half marathons and conquering my first full marathon last year. Beyond personal achievements, I share my passion by helping my husband coach cross country and track. Running isn’t just a hobby; it’s a journey that started in the heart of Detroit and continues to inspire me in every stride. As a proud ambassador, I’m excited to share my passion and inspire others to discover the transformative power of running.
Name: Courtney Chase
From: Auburn Hills, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Marathon
Instagram: @court_chase1
Bio: I have been running distance for about 6 years. After having my 4th knee surgery I found a love for running distance and engaging in the race atmosphere. The last 2 years I was not as committed to it, but I picked running back up again in the summer of 2023 and had only focus: to complete a full marathon. I started getting faster and stronger and have never been more proud of my performance. However, I just underwent my 5 th knee surgery in January 2024, I am determined to come back…again. Not only just to come back, but to be even stronger and finally cross the line at 26.2 miles. And I am more than happy to say that Freep will have the honor of being my first. Running has become such a huge part of my life and I love being able to share my journey with everyone out there who might not think they can do it. To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. Cheers to the 2024 race season and giving my absolute best.
Name: Alek Budziosz
From: Windsor, Ontario
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @running_fatguy
Bio: Leading the pack, weekly PR’s and ever increasing distance goals are NOT what Alek is about. A proverbial diesel super duty truck in the world of Mustang GT500s, he understands that sometimes, it’s a PR just to get off the couch. Alek took up cycling in 2022 to increase his quality of life, be around longer for his two boys, and shed a few pounds off his then 315 lb frame. When it got cold, he switched to running as it was a bit more cold weather friendly. That’s when he discovered running groups and the positive and welcoming runner community. This community kept Alek running throughout 2023: multiple 5K races, a couple of 10Ks and his first half marathon (the 2023 Detroit Free Press International Half Marathon). The half marathon held special significance for Alek – his sister Kamilla ran it in 2019. Kamilla lost her fight with cancer in 2022 and Alek registered to run 13.1 in her memory. In preparation for the Freep, ambassador lead training runs were a major part of Alek’s training. For 2024, as a grateful member of the running community, Alek would like to extend his love of running and be an ambassador of those slow AF runners. No matter what your pace or ability, Alek is happy to be your 2024 Detroit Free Press Marathon Ambassador.
Name: Jessica Reynolds
From: Belleville, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @jessica_reynolds_25
Bio: In 2011 Jessica joined the middle school track team because she wanted to hang out with her friends. Her love for running was born then and supported her throughout her teen years and now through adulthood. After running competitively in college, Jessica wanted a new goal. She decided to conquer the half marathon and marathon distances. She is currently beginning work to run a sub 3:00 marathon. Jessica is a Michiganer at heart. When she’s not training for a road race, she can be found camping, and running and hiking trails throughout the state. The Detroit Free Press Marathon is a race Jessica holds close to her heart and she’s excited to return for her 4th year in a row.
Bio: Katie used to hate running, but it soon became her favorite part of everyday life. Only taking running seriously for under 2 years, she has since completed her first half marathon, marathon, and numerous 5 and 10k’s. She hopes to keep running for many years to come and eventually wants to try out ultra running. The Detroit Free Press was her first marathon in 2023 and she’s been riding the runner’s high ever since! Her favorite pastime is to tell people how obsessed with running she is.
Name: Shannon Karam
From: Macomb, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @runnermom264
Bio: My name is Shannon. I am a wife, mother, avid runner, kindergarten teacher, and vegetarian. My relationship with running spans 37 years! Running has always been an important part of my identity. I have completed 10 Detroit Free Press Half Marathons & 9 Bobbi Crims, as well as countless 10k & 5Ks. When I reflect on all the races I have competed in, The Detroit Free Press will always have a special place in my heart. This race holds cherished memories of my own children coming to cheer me on when they were babies in strollers. Both of my children would go on to run at the collegiate level. I currently train with my 27 year old and we run the DFP together! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be an Ambassador and promote the sport that has been instrumental in changing the trajectory of my life.
Name: Kosta Margaritis
From: Windsor, Ontario
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @kostamarga
Bio: Kosta loves running for the community and new friendships. He believes there is no better way to get to know someone than going for a run. This is evident as he joins multiple groups for weekly runs in the Windsor / Detroit area. He serves as a team member of the Dub City Runners, a local social running group in Windsor, which runs every Friday night at Walkerville Brewery. Kosta ran his first half marathon last spring in Toronto, then ran the Detroit Free Press international half marathon five months later. His gratifying experience last year led him to his decision to run his first marathon right here in Detroit as a freep ambassador.
Name: Martina Alcock
From: Rochester Hills, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Supreme Challenge
Instagram: @austriangirl100
Bio: Martina- an Austrian native who has called Michigan home since 2002 – has been running for a variety of reasons since childhood. Running is what brings her joy and keeps her grounded. It is equally stress relief and fuel for her slightly competitive nature while being at her preferred place- outside! 2023 was a transformative year, widowed and an empty nester, she ramped up the training, connected with the FreePress running groups and had her most successful year of running to date. The Detroit Free Press is her favorite Fall race and after 6 International Halfs, 1 Domestic Half and 1 Relay, she is attempting her very FIRST full Marathon and is participating in the Supreme Challenge.She is super stoked to serve as an Ambassador. Mantra:” If your dreams do not scare you- they are not big enough.”
Name: David Roose
From: Canton, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Wonder International Challenge
Instagram: @djroose16
Bio: My name is David Roose. I am 39 (40 by race day – yikes) from Canton, MI. I’m married with two kids (12 & 14) of our own and 3 by way of hosting exchange students and billets. I started running in 2012 when a group of us at work had the “genius” idea to enter the Detroit Marathon as a relay team. Growing up, I played soccer, but I was never much for the running part, so this seemed like a crazy idea at the time and I’m sure involved some sort of lunch bet. That relay prep and the race in October turned out to be the catalyst for turning my health around. Since 2012 I have completed one full marathon (2018), 8 half marathons (including 4 Detroit) and countless 5k/10k races. Running has become a significant part of my life, a passion really. Along this journey I have completely turned my health around, losing over 70 pounds and
maintaining it. Running has also helped me focus on my mental health and wellbeing. That half hour each morning gives me a great opportunity to start the day fresh, think about what’s going on in life and sort of destress so I can be a positive and more focused person, leader and father. The Detroit Marathon has always been a special event as it inspired me to become a runner and the person I am today. My best advice for aspiring or new half/full marathoners….Enjoy the journey! I look forward to seeing you all in October!
Name: Debbie Rochester
From: Gaylord, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @ruby__rochester
Bio: I started running in January 2012 after agreeing to run the Chicago marathon that year as a “one and done race”. Now 12 years later I continue to run as well as do triathlons and long-distance swim events. You could say I am hooked as I am 17 states into my goal of running a half marathon or marathon in all 50 states. I live in Gaylord, MI but consider the Freep my ‘hometown race” after living in metro Detroit for several years and will be excited to do The Wonder Challenge in 2024. My favorite part of the race is always running across the bridge and thru Windsor as I am originally from Canada.
Name: Erica Hicks
From: Harper Woods, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: Marathon
Instagram: @distracteddetroitrunner
Bio: Here’s a little about me. I am from Kalamazoo in SW Michigan. I moved to Metro Detroit in 2018. I joined the 50’s club last November. In July, I will celebrate 20 years of marriage. We have two beautiful teenagers ages 17 and 15. We have a black standard poodle named Duke who loves to run. One fun fact about me, I have been run streaking since November 27, 2019. When this is published it will be RSD 1,517 and counting 😂 I am currently one of two Ambassadors for Black Girls Run! Detroit. My running resume consists of nine full marathons (Freep 4x’s), many half marathons, 5k/10k’s and 4 Ragnar Relays. I have served as a half marathon pacer several times in the past for different races. I absolutely love to smile, have fun and take pictures while I run. I am very reliable and encouraging to others. I like to meet runners where they are on their journey. I am very excited to join the 2024 Ambassador Team for the Detroit Free Press Marathon.
Name: Jeff Kendall
From: Southfield, Michigan
2024 Freep Event: International Half Marathon
Instagram: @kendall.jeff
Bio: Jeff has run 24 marathons, including 3 Bostons and all 6 Abbott World Majors. Jeff’s first full marathon was Freep in 2015 and he has run one of the Freep races every year since then. After coming within 7 minutes of a Boston Qualifier at Freep, Jeff tried again at Disney in January 2016, and made his first BQ at Mountains to Beach that May. Jeff is a member of the Hansons Community Running Team, National Black Marathoners, Marathon Maniacs, Half Fanatics, Black Men Run Detroit, RFB Royal Oak, Infinite Multisports Triathlon Club, and Century Club. Jeff works part time as a hospital chaplain. In 2024, Jeff plans to run Boston for the 4th time, Chicago Marathon, Freep International Half and Valencia marathon. Jeff has written 7 books on running, the “Jeff Runs the World Majors” series. Jeff’s favorite running photo is a selfie he took at the international border in the tunnel during the Freep International half.